Podcast De Ontwaakte Leider

Sparkles Expressed


In this space I write about essence and how it expresses itself - in work, parenting, education, relationships - throughout everything in our daily life.

Wat is spiritualiteit, ontwaken en jezelf zijn? energy medicine & healing meaning of life

In dit interview vertelt Mireille Goedkoop open en eerlijk hoe zij haar pad heeft gelopen en laat ze zien dat spiritualiteit heel aards is en met beide benen op de grond en stevig verbonden met het universum kan worden geleefd. 


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Hoe mijn moeder vlak voor haar sterven ontwaakte energy medicine & healing

Daar ging ze. Vastberaden de dood tegemoet, met een vreugde en kracht die ik niet eerder in haar leven had gezien.

Mijn moeder (78) koos afgelopen vrijdag voor euthanasie. Nog geen 4 maanden geleden kreeg ze te horen dat ze een tumor van 15cm in haar buik had. De twee chemokuren voor...

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Hoe ik mijn moeder begeleid tijdens het sterven tot in de dood energy medicine & healing

Zie je deze stenen? Daar speelde ik vroeger veelvuldig als kind, bij de Hunebedden vlak achter mijn ouderlijk huis in Drenthe. Ik had geen idee dat het een krachtplek was, één van de oudste graven. Ik zat er gewoon omdat het fijn voelde. Pas een paar weken geleden toen ik deze plek...

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How can we let go of the past conscious relating

The other day I was in Athens. The taxi driver who picked me up from the airport told me of how the Greek are told an important ‘truth’ from childhood, which is: Turkey is the enemy. It made me think: what if our parents told us a different story? Then what would happen?

Based on...

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What does it truly mean to Unlock True Potential? business & leadership meaning of life

In personal development and spiritual teachings the word ‘potential’ is very often used. But what is it exactly and what happens when we allow it to unlock and unfold?


In essence, we are all potential. This life force energy ‘we’ are all made of and which flows...

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Conscious relating is what the world needs right now conscious relating

Today we cried, both of us. Of despair, hope, love, (dis)connection and (mis)understandings. All together..


If there is one thing I could say about a conscious relationship is that it takes courage, commitment, honesty and transparency to go beyond, over and over again, to make it work....

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What does a'n unique Sacred Sign have to offer? energy medicine & healing

Years ago I met this nice guy, Marco Bot, during a Shamanic training. He was always drawing, even during the training. Symbols, signs, images; it was like he was a fountain of inspiration that needed to be expressed through his sketch pad. I was reminded of him while I was in the process of...

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Lightyear: Potential and wholeness in One conscious business business & leadership conscious relating

It is not often that I am truly touched by a business, but it happened. On a grey evening I came across a Dutch documentary on television about Lightyear One, the first solar powered family car. I called my son of 12 to come and watch it with me, because I know this kind of stuff has his...

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