Podcast De Ontwaakte Leider

Sparkles Expressed


In this space I write about essence and how it expresses itself - in work, parenting, education, relationships - throughout everything in our daily life.

Wat doe jij? Weet jij het? meaning of life parenting

‘Mam, wat moet ik zeggen als ze vragen wat je doet?’ Mijn zoon van 15 kijkt me vragend aan. ‘Nou,’ antwoord ik, ‘ik weet het niet in een woord te vangen eigenlijk.’ Het kan ondernemer zijn, healer, leiderschapscoach, spiritual teacher, sjamaan, moeder,...

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In jezelf landen - space holding business & leadership meaning of life

Als we space holders zijn, als leiders, coaches, artsen, ceo's, managers of directeuren, dan is het belangrijk die ruimte ook voor onszelf te creëren. Daar waar we in een stevig veld kunnen landen in onszelf. Om opnieuw te verbinden en uit te lijnen met wat bedoeld is in dit leven voor ons.


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Wat is spiritualiteit, ontwaken en jezelf zijn? energy medicine & healing meaning of life

In dit interview vertelt Mireille Goedkoop open en eerlijk hoe zij haar pad heeft gelopen en laat ze zien dat spiritualiteit heel aards is en met beide benen op de grond en stevig verbonden met het universum kan worden geleefd. 


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What does it truly mean to Unlock True Potential? business & leadership meaning of life

In personal development and spiritual teachings the word ‘potential’ is very often used. But what is it exactly and what happens when we allow it to unlock and unfold?


In essence, we are all potential. This life force energy ‘we’ are all made of and which flows...

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Do you listen to Divine guidance? meaning of life

In March this year we chose a secondary school for my son. He wanted to go to the same school as his big sister is in. She is nearly in her last year and we are satisfied with the school. They really try hard to offer subjects in an appealing way, but the curriculum is leading and the educational...

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Trust is vulnerable, but we are nowhere without it meaning of life parenting

Today my husband found out that our daughter of 16 has been a victim of scamming. She lost all of her savings, where she worked so hard for, for a lousy €3,50 an hour. She was misled and fell into a trap of transferring money for something you can’t believe she fell into. But she did....

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Death Lives energy medicine & healing meaning of life

It was in the midst of the pandemic in 2021 where I understood how we as humans are in need of embracing our mortality and knowing our eternity. How deeply we have lost the sense of what life and death really are. Colored by upbringing, Western culture, religion, experiences and karmic...

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